Our Advocates specialize in helping homeowners with roof damages incurred from natural forces such as water (rain/flooding/hail/snow/ice), wind (tornados, hurricanes), fire (lightning, forest fires) or mud (mudslides, landslides).
Funded by Federal and State subsidies and grants associated with natural disasters, our team is able to provide support to distressed homeowners to help them find the best, and most reliable roofing contractors in their region.
"All Point saved me hours of searching for the right company to repair my roof. After my home was hit by a tornado, there were so many moving pieces to restoring my house. All Point was a solid partner that helped expedite the repairs. Very grateful."
"I really appreciate all the effort that All Point put into helping my family after our home was hit from a severe hail storm. Too many options out there to face alone. All Point answered all my questions and came through with several great solutions."
Book a FREE 30 minute consultation with an Advocate to fast-track you on the right path to fixing your home. We know this can be a stressful time and we are here to help make things a little easier in the process. Our Advocates are super-friendly and eager to help.
Click below to reserve your spot on our calendar today!
LOCATION: Austin, Texas, USA
PHONE: 512.325.4404
EMAIL: AllPointHA@Gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.AllPointHA.com